Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ode to a great husband and father!

Today I have been married to my wonderful man for four years! In these four years, we have moved six times (making our seventh in December), even all the way from New Jersey. Between the two of us, we have held 11 different jobs and owned six different cars. Nathan has almost completed medical school, but I am still learning to be a mom :) So really, in all, we have done a lot of learning and growing in the past four years; tried to buy a house and failed, only to find out what a blessing that was when the market took a downfall in the next few months, and scheduled a cruise only to miss the boat but end up needing the money from the refund. Nathan helped me through two miscarriages and has put up with me through one and a half pregnancy's (which is a lot considering the mood swings and anxiety I get when I'm pregnant) The best part is he's done it with a smile and is always telling me how beautiful he thinks I am. I'm so glad that we've done it all together. It would have been nice if I could have instead put things like: In the past four years we have gone to Europe, China and Australia, ran a marathon together and swam with sharks, but I can't and that's ok. There will be a time for all that. But for now, I'm just glad I'm married to the man I am, the children he's given me and for the wonderful husband and father he is.

Just letting Julia decorate.

He loves to play with her. She loves this new idea "taking turns". So she jumps, does a trick, and then it's "your turn", she says.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Fourth of July in Pinetop

We spent this fourth of July weekend up in Pinetop. My friend Jenna invited us to stay with her and her family up there. We had so much fun! The weather was so beautiful! We were there Thursday night through Sunday afternoon. I wish we could have stayed longer! Nathan and I went on a run every morning when it was bright and sunny, and then by two it was usually raining. It would stop around early evening, though.

Julia really liked going out and climbing on the deer family they had in the back of their cabin. She also liked running on the golf course, playing with there dogs and just receiving so much attention! She was the only little one with six adults, so she soaked it up!

She said, "It doesn't work, Mom." It took her a second to figure out the elk was fake.

We watched fireworks Friday night. Julia liked them at first, but then fell asleep. We were all really tired from playing all day :)
Saturday night they had a party with all their friends in the neighborhood. It was a blast! We BBQ'd and then roasted marshmallows, yum!
I also want to mention Sunday was Jenna's fiance's, Phillip, birthday. So he got to spend his special day driving home with us. Happy birthday!

Thank you so much Jeff and Cher for sharing your fun cabin with us!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Great new blog!

Most of you know I used to work for a swim school in Phoenix called Hubbard Family Swim School. Well, I just recently received an email notifying me that the owner, Bob Hubbard, now has a blog! I'm so excited about this, because I really look up to him and his ideals. If you want any of his advice on parenting or swimming, check it out: I highly recommend it :)