Sunday, January 25, 2009

I love my brother!

Julia really loves her little brother. Sometimes a little too much. If he starts crying she says, "Oh no! Mason's sad!" and then runs over to put his binkie in his mouth. The problem is, she isn't very gentle, and will force it in his mouth and hold it there if he doesn't want it. Also, when he is laying on the floor, she likes to give him a hug by laying on top of him. She also is very concerned with his well being. If she's around and somebody tries to touch him, she yells, "Don't touch! Your hands are dirty!" Must be something she's heard before. :) Really, though, she's still learning, and I think Mason is very blessed to have such a loving older sister!

Mason is growing so much. We are so blessed to have him with us!

He is very chunky.

Nathan's had interviews for residency almost every weekend this month, and this weekend he was in Chicago. When we got home from church I took Julia's dress off and told her to go get dressed so we could go to the airport to pick up Daddy. This is how she dressed herself. (Don't pay any mind to my messy apartment in the background. I was alone with my two kids for over three days, and it was raining outside almost the whole time)


Zac and Catherine Griffith Fam said...

So cute! I just want to bite his chunky legs! Julia is getting so grown up. She looks like you in the last picture! My house looks worse than that and I have not done anything productive with my husband home. What's my excuse?

Jeremy & Audrie Williams said...

Your kids are so cute! You are so lucky! Glad to see tat you are having so much fun with our life.

megan said...

Oh my goodness Julia's hair is looking like it is getting so much thicker! Mason is so big and cute. It is a good thing that she loves her brother so much. There was a little girl that came and sat with us at church today and catcher threw a fit when I helped her up on our bench. He was so jealous that I was touching another kid

Arabeth said...

I love that Mason is almost as big as Julia. He is one cute big boy!

JonesFamily said...

It is so fun when they start interacting and have each other to keep them entertained! Ryan would love it if Trevi would tell people not to touch because they are dirty =) Can't wait to see you in March!

Tim and Jennifer said...

Look at Julia and her sass in that last picture. Hilarious. Looks like she's watching too much MTV. Can I steal Mason? He looks like such a good baby.

Unknown said...

Weston has the same ON cords that Mason was wearing, and they are just as tight around his fat belly! I'm impressed that Julia is dressing herself. Layla hasn't gotten that far yet. Is she potty trained? Miss you guys!

jon♥kara said...

Very stylish Julia! Mason is such a cutie, I can't believe what a chunker he is. I miss you. I was day dreaming of california today. I'm think that I might take a girl trip with Christa Walker so we can come visit you and Diana! I don't know when but I know jon can never get away. But he does miss his niece Sierra. so maybe..

Jon and Lara Stowell said...

Don't ever worry about your messy apartment okay! I think most moms are the same way. The place is usually a mess until company is coming. THEN it gets REAL clean :) Mason is such a lil fat boy I love it. Ryder was the same way. Huge from the beginning. They only get heavier and heavier!

April Gould said...

your kids are so cute!