Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pregnancy Blues

So, as most of you have noticed by my baby ticker, I'm pregnant. Nathan and I decided it's finally time for number two. Now, let me start this out by saying this is a vent/complaining post, so if you don't want to hear it, stop reading now and just leave me a comment of congratulations :) Otherwise, here goes:
First, are we really ready for number two? Julia is crazy and getting crazier. We live with my parents, and Nathan still has a year of school left. We're insane, I know. But, seeing a few of my friends in my situation, or not, having number two, or even number three, I try to have faith.
Also, I've been upset for a few weeks now, mainly b/c I'm only 11 weeks and I've already gained 12 pounds. What really set me off tonight was I was looking at old postings from last year, and I was a lot smaller. I'm already about to start wearing maternity clothes, and I was at least 20 weeks when I started to with Julia. My butt is all of a sudden the size of Texas and I not only have a baby bump, but love handles!!! I feel sick all the time, but never throw up, and some might say that's lucky, but I wish I would just throw up and get it over with! I haven't changed my diet or my work out routine. Even at 5:00 in the morning, when I am so sick and tired, I get up and run 5-6 miles. So why the weight gain? One of my friends told me some people are just destined to gain more weight while being pregnant. Your metabolism can slow down and your body holds on to fat. What's up with that? That's not fair! If I take care of my body, it should show!!! And to top it all off, we're going to Hawaii in July, and at this rate, by that time I'm going to be a whale! They'll think I'm beached when I'm laying out on the beach and roll me back into the ocean!
Once again I apologize, but really, it's not fair. Those of you who know me well, know that I am a work-out-aholic. Please advice or empathy from anyone.


Tim and Jennifer said...

You may recall from our conversation, I think it's better to look totally prego in Hawaii than just plain fat. I'm glad you took the time to vent. I'll be having number 2 in law school, while we are drowning in law school debt, and I think I'm like you... destined to be fat during pregnancy. So, no real advice, just a lot of empathy!!

Susan said...

Kass! That's so exciting that you're prego with numero dos! :) Awesome! I'm sorry you're all bummed out about the weight gain. I definitely put on weight WAY sooner with my second than the first. It was like my body clicked into pregnancy mode right away since it was more familiar territory the second time around. I definitely agree that it's a bummer! But I'm sure you'll pop right back into awesome shape soon after having your little one. :) And hopefully the nausea goes away in the next few weeks! Good luck and congratulations!!

brooksybabe said...

First of all - Congrats!! That is awesome that you are having another baby. And second you can complain to me any day about being sick and pregnant and gaining weight. I totally understand. I bet you still look way cute though.

Peck Family said...

first let me just say... "it's a boy!"

Second! IM so glad you guys are prego and with your incredible self will you will loose all of your baby week a couple of weeks after you have your sweet little guy.

Not that I can give advice on the weight gain but just eat healthy and drink mineral water. Other than that just keep venting on the blog what else can mommy's do?

Oh and if it helps 2 and 3 is much easier than 1.

we love you kass.... and be gentle on your love handles... more cushion for the pushing.

Jon and Lara Stowell said...

i wouldn't even worry about the weight. if you are exercising every morning then you are healthy. when baby pops out you'll lose the weight fast i'm sure. but i understand why you're pissed. ryder is almost 3 months old now and i still have 15 lbs to lose. it sucks!

Fiona said...

Congratulations, Kass! We are also getting ready for #2, and it is a big step. I am psyching myself out, I think. And we are also going to Hawaii this year, and I'll probably be at that awkward stage as well where in a bathing suit everyone just thinks you are attractive! Just know that you are HOTT and that we love you!! Oh, and I hear you should drink a lot of water, that will help with the puffiness of water weight gain. You're probably still a ways from that though. Congrats again! Oh, and I tagged you, read my blog!

Matt and Liz said...

hi kassidi
i don't know if you remember me but we went to high school together. anyway i was just blog hopping and found you. well congrats on baby number two.
check out my blog it's

jon♥kara said...

Kass I saw you two weeks ago and you looked great no big butt or love handles. But I know it must be frustrating for you since you do take care of yourself. But just think that if you weren't watching what u ate and weren't working out you may be double that size! Yikes.. so keep up the great work you will lose it in no time afterward.

Unknown said...

I went to Hawaii when I was 7 months pregnant with Layla and my father-in-law kept calling ma an albino beached whale! It was whale season and we went on a boat tour to see them and he kept shouting, "Look, one of the whales made it up on our boat!" Then everyone would laugh. At least you'll only be 5 months along! You'll look great, mostly because you have an awesome running partner who pushes you every time!

Coartney Wright said...

congrats on the being prego!

JonesFamily said...

First I already told you but again CONGRATS!!! I can totally empathize with you on the weight gain! I swear I gain half of my pregnany weight in the first trimester. With Ez it was like 13 pounds in the first tri, yuck! So I know how you are feeling and I also worked out the whole way through.
Good news is that you are such a dedicated exerciser that you will get your rockin body back in no time!

IronLawGirl said...

I'm sorry, gaining weight is no fun, but hey, you proved that you can get it off and look hot after a baby!
I gained way more weight with Drake than I did with Gwen, plus your body has memory and so will start looking pregnant way sooner with #2 than #1.
Plus, I don't feel sorry for you about the love handles, because I have them ALL the time, even when I'm NOT PREGNANT! ;)
I'm sure you look great, and will have another gorgeous baby, so it'll be so worth it.

Alyssa said...

I totally understand! I get nervouse thinking about getting pregnant again just for the fact of gaining weight again. But if I ran 5 miles every morning, I would'nt be worried!! You go girl. It's good to read other women venting. Congrats on the pregnancy.

Woods: said...

Congrats! Remember that every baby/pregnancy is different! You are supposed to gain weight! Your baby needs you to! I have no doubt that you look great and that your body will bounce right back after #2. Embrace this time in your life! You'll never be pregnant with #2 again, and how fun to give darling Julia a sister/brother! I don't think anyone is ever ready for #2 or #3! It's so great though! You'll do such a good job with this new baby, BUT you need to take care of yourself properly to help your baby to be healthy! Enjoy Hawaii and just love that you can eat whatever you want 'cause you have a great excuse! K, you are probably like, "Stop talking Nicole!" I will. Congrats! You'll do great.

Lexi said...

Kassisy! You are absolutely beautiful and always will be! I've been jealous of you since we were like 12 years old! And your weight gain will probably slow down especially since you are still working out! And don't worry, I think that I will be fat with you soon... if it doesn't take like forever for me to get pregnant!

August and Melissa said...

I'm sorry Kass, cheer up! I heard it's normal to see the weight faster on number 2. You're still always beutiful and skinnier than ever

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Hey Kassidi,
It always is so hard to gain weight. On the bright side you looked amazing with Julia in just a couple of months. The most important thing is you did loose it! Some people never loose all their pregnancy weight. I am having the hardest time getting back to my orignal size.
Maybe you can just make another bet with Nathan and get a new coach bag. :)

Angus Family said...


Thats awesome that you are having another kiddo!! We just had our third and believe me when I say that two is way easier than three!! I am about to go insane. I also live with my mom, so I totally understand. As far as the weight gain goes, I am sure you will look awesome when it is all said and done. You always have.


Michelle Angus (Used to be Willis)

Jeppesen Family said...

Ok, Michelle Willis (Angus) I would LOVE to look at your blog and leave you a comment to thank you for the advice and being so sweet, but apparently I'm not invited. So, hopefully you see this so you can invite me to view your blog :)

Angus Family said...


I would :ove to add you to my post, but I can't, for the life of me, figure out your email address. Maybe I am a complete NEWBE, but let me knowwhat it is and I will invite you.


Jeppesen Family said...

k, I knew you would need that, but I figured I would see if you happened to look here again before I posted it: